Where Distribo's origins are
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2004 marked the beginning of Distribo, a joint venture between Sartorius Stedim Biotech and Friedrich Zufall GmbH & Co. KG, when Sartorius' warehousing and logistics operations were spun off. The joint venture Distribo was created.
In 2014 Distribo opened its new logistics center at the Siekanger site in Goettingen, Germany, with an area of around 15,000 m². From here, both the worldwide shipment of laboratory and process technology products and the production supply of all Sartorius locations in Goettingen are carried out.
Im Jahr 2016 wurde die Lagerfläche von 15.000 auf 25.000 Quadratmeter erweitert. Das Wachstum von Sartorius erforderte eine Expansion der Logistikfläche in Göttingen. Dafür investierte die ZUFALL logistics group rund fünf Millionen Euro für die Erweiterung.
Sartorius Stedim Biotech
Die Geschichte von Sartorius begann vor über einem Jahrhundert. Im Jahr 1870 gründete Florenz Sartorius das Unternehmen in Göttingen, Deutschland. Ursprünglich spezialisierte es sich auf die Herstellung von Präzisionswaagen für wissenschaftliche Zwecke.
Over time, the company expanded its product portfolio and focused on the areas of biotechnology and life sciences. In the 1960er, Sartorius developed innovative solutions for filtration technology that were of great importance for biopharmaceuticals.
Im Jahr 2007 fusionierte Sartorius mit Stedim S.A., dem Weltmarktführer für Einwegbeutelsysteme und erwarb eine Mehrheitsbeteiligung an dem Unternehmen. Die Fusion vereinte die Aktivitäten von Sartorius im Bereich Biotechnologie, insbesondere in den Bereichen Filtration, Separation und Zellkultivierungstechnologien, mit denen von Stedim S.A.. Das Ergebnis war ein führender internationaler Partner für die biopharmazeutische Forschung und Industrie. Die neue Untergruppe von Sartorius, die an der Pariser Börse notiert ist, trägt den Namen Sartorius Stedim Biotech S.A. und hat ihren Hauptsitz in Aubagne, Frankreich.
In 2020, Sartorius Stedim Biotech played a crucial role in the development and production of COVID-19 vaccines. The company supported numerous pharmaceutical companies in scaling up their vaccine production and thus contributed to the fight against the pandemic.
Today, Sartorius Stedim Biotech is a global leader in bioprocess technology. It offers innovative solutions for the biopharmaceutical industry, including filtration systems, fermentation technologies, cell culture media and analytical instruments. The company remains committed to research, innovation and sustainability to drive the future of biotechnology and improve the health and well-being of people worldwide.
ZUFALL logistics group
The story of Friedrich Zufall begins in 1928, when he founded Hessische Fern-Verkehr Friedrich Zufall GmbH in Kassel. The company started as a regional freight forwarder and focused on long-distance transport.
In the following years, the company grew steadily and opened branches in various cities. 1934-1937 branches were added in Fulda and Göttingen as well as Bremen and Bremerhaven. Friedrich Zufall led the company with great entrepreneurial spirit and a vision for growth and success.
During the Second World War, Kassel was bombed repeatedly, and so Friedrich Zufall decided in 1942/43 to move the company's headquarters to Göttingen in order to continue its business activities. After the death of Friedrich Zufall in the same year, Gerhard F. Müller took over the management and acquired the company shares in Osterode, Hann. Münden and Hamburg.
Im Jahr 1948 erfolgte eine Umbenennung des Unternehmens in Hessisch-Südhannoverscher Fernverkehr Friedrich Zufall und 1965 erfolgte die endgültige Umfirmierung in Friedrich Zufall Internationale Spedition (seit 1976 GmbH & Co. KG).
The Friedrich Zufall company continued to expand and joined Transland Spedition GmbH and Team Trans Hamburg GmbH in 2007 and Team Trans Logistics GmbH (2016). Through these strategic partnerships, the company strengthened its range of services in the areas of land transport and sea freight.
In 2013, Peter Müller-Kronberg, Gerhard Müller's son, joined Jürgen Wolpert in the management of the family business. They continued the legacy of Friedrich Zufall and further expanded the company.
Today Friedrich Zufall is a respected international freight forwarder with a wide range of services. The company offers customized logistics solutions for customers from various industries and is known for its reliability and efficiency. Under the leadership of Peter Müller-Kronberg and Jürgen Wolpert, Friedrich Zufall remains a major player in the transport and logistics industry and is committed to first-class service and customer satisfaction.