"Distribo Gave me a chance and I took it."

Mr. Bierwirth started his training as a warehouse logistics specialist at Distribo in 2006. Already during his apprenticeship, Mr. Bierwirth was assigned to the warehouse control center, where he took care of order scheduling. Relatively quickly, Mr. Bierwirth realized that the requirements were set very high and completed his training as the best in class..

Over the years, his share of practical work in the warehouse decreased. It became increasingly important to supplement warehouse processes with technical and IT-supported solutions. "Back then, I worked out a lot of things myself and always asked, then at some point the recognition came".

With the relocation of the logistics center and the new technological changeover, Mr. Bierwirth has witnessed the significant changes in the company. In the summer of 2018, he was promoted to team spokesperson of the warehouse control center, and was thus assigned a high level of responsibility. The experience Mr. Bierwirth has gained over the years is invaluable for his current area of responsibility.

Today, Mr. Bierwirth is the team spokesman in the warehouse control center, the contact person for order scheduling and an important contact person for the trainees. As the next exciting stage, Mr. Bierwirth is currently taking part in the internal management trainee seminar, which will qualify him to become team leader of the warehouse control center.

Mr. Bierwirth has already attended various training courses and has continuously developed his skills. Distribo has constantly supported him throughout his professional career and given him the opportunity to further his education and to develop himself.

M. Bierwirth

"Ability to work under pressure, strong nerves and good stamina are the basic requirements for my work."


Distribo GmbH


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